Mouda Palace, the former official residence of General GIORGE SUFFRAN, Commander-in-Chief of the military region of Fes, but also the house where I was born, where I grew up, laughed, and cried. When General GIORGE SUFFRAN, a high-ranking French military dignitary, whose official residence was MOUDA PALACE, arrived in Morocco, now under French protectorate, as a young officer, he never thought he would forever seal a strong and unwavering friendship with young Tayeb, my grandfather, who later became his aide-de-camp and most loyal and devoted companion. As the young officer climbed the ranks and my grandfather’s reputation grew, they were inseparable, except when the general joined DE GAULLE in response to the call of Free France. After his appointments to head the French armed forces in Indochina in 1945/1946 and as the military governor of Paris in 1946/1947, he quickly requested to return to Morocco, to be close to his friend and family, as the military commander of the Fes region.

The death of the general separated them in 1952, but don’t they say, ‘There is something stronger than death, it is the memory of the departed in the minds of the living’ (JEAN DORMESSON), It is the memory that we will share with you during our next visit.

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